Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This is Me

Right now. Ish.

Well, it was me a couple of weeks ago. But give or take a couple of pounds and this is pretty much what I look like.

I am actually relatively happy with how I look. I love my curves. I wear them proudly. My breasts nourish my (almost 25 month old) daughter, my hips carry her weight (for in my arms is her favorite place). And, besides, I've lost ~60 lbs already. So I have a lot to be proud of.

I wish I had a true "BEFORE" picture to show you guys. But, when you are obese and miserable with your life, you don't let people take pictures of you (well, I didn't anyway). So I don't have anything to show. When I get my computer back in a few days, I'll see what I can come up with. My heaviest weight was the day I started fertility treatments. I weighed 234lbs. Today I sit somewhere in the mid- 170s. (I'm in the middle of moving and I don't have a scale). Interestingly, though not surprisingly if you subscribe to the theory that pregnant bodies expel toxins by morning sickness (I do subscribe to that theory for my particular case), I lost weight while I was pregnant and have stayed under 216lbs ever since the first few weeks of very frequent vomiting.

I'm not entirely sure where this blog will go. In a few days, I'm starting a vegan detox. I plan to share my experiences with that. I hope to also go back in time and share a few things about my journey... Like how I went from below 120lbs in high school to over 230 in a VERY short amount of time, and how I had to throw out a superpower to start losing weight (you think I'm kidding...)... But we'll see.

Today I walked a mile. Just one. Not a lot, but, you know what? It was a mile more than the days I used to spend sitting on the couch all day long. ;)

I guess I'll probably talk about that stuff too.
